I am a fan of Terraform and have used it at the last and the current company. And being in ops, PagerDuty is practically becoming part of your life. While I was bored after my oral surgery, I decided to move our PagerDuty settings into Terraform. Since I don’t want to write out every team/user/schedule/service/escalation policy, I would have to modulize the resources. There aren’t a lot of docs online for Terraform+PagerDuty other than this page. But his examples are not in modules, so I gave a crack at it!
You can clone the repo from my gitlab account.
Modules User
This module sets up the user, and contact infomations like: email, role, job title, teams, mobile.
## user
resource "pagerduty_user" "pd_user" {
name = "${var.name}"
email = "${var.email}"
role = "${var.role}"
job_title = "${var.job_title}"
teams = ["${var.teams}"]
resource "pagerduty_user_contact_method" "pd_contact_phone" {
user_id = "${pagerduty_user.pd_user.id}"
type = "phone_contact_method"
country_code = "+1"
address = "${var.mobile}"
label = "Mobile"
resource "pagerduty_user_contact_method" "pd_contact_sms" {
user_id = "${pagerduty_user.pd_user.id}"
type = "sms_contact_method"
country_code = "+1"
address = "${var.mobile}"
label = "Mobile"
Modules Schedule
This module sets up the schedule for a given user. It defines when on-call starts, etc.
## schedule
resource "pagerduty_schedule" "pd_schedule" {
name = "${var.name}"
time_zone = "${var.time_zone}"
layer {
name = "${var.name}"
start = "${var.oncall_start}"
rotation_virtual_start = "${var.rotation_virtual_start}"
rotation_turn_length_seconds = "${var.rotation_length}"
users = ["${var.users}"]
Modules Service
This module sets up the service.
## service
resource "pagerduty_service" "pd_service" {
name = "${var.name}"
auto_resolve_timeout = "${var.auto_resolve_timeout}"
acknowledgement_timeout = "${var.acknowledgement_timeout}"
escalation_policy = "${var.escalation_policy}"
alert_creation = "${var.alert_creation}"
Modules Service Integration
This is third party integrations into the service, such as: New Relic, Slack, CloudWatch, Zendesk, etc.
## service integration
data "pagerduty_vendor" "pd_vendor" {
name = "${var.name}"
resource "pagerduty_service_integration" "pd_service_integration" {
name = "${data.pagerduty_vendor.pd_vendor.name}"
vendor = "${data.pagerduty_vendor.pd_vendor.id}"
service = "${var.service}"
integration_email = "${var.email}"
We store our tfstate
file on S3
. Just run terraform init
after creating this file.
terraform {
backend "s3" {
key = "tfstate/pagerduty"
region = "us-east-1"
encrypt = "true"
Teams are defined here. I’ve also included a variable for each team by names to be used.
## variable
variable "team_techops_sre" {
default = "TechOps SRE"
variable "team_customer_success" {
default = "Customer Success"
## team
resource "pagerduty_team" "pd_team_techops" {
name = "TF Test - Team ${var.team_techops_sre}"
resource "pagerduty_team" "pd_team_cs" {
name = "TF Test - Team ${var.team_customer_success}"
Defining each user here by calling the user
## user
module "user_calvin_wong" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/user"
name = "TF Test - Calvin"
job_title = "SRE"
teams = "${pagerduty_team.pd_team_techops.id}"
This is the main file for each team. We call the modules to create the following:
- Schedule(s)
- Escalation Policies
- Service(s)
- service Integration(s) (module not as flexible, creating as resources here instead)
## schedule
module "schedule_techops_sre_01" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/schedule"
name = "TF Test - ${var.team_techops_sre} OnCall Level 1"
users = [
module "schedule_techops_sre_02" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/schedule"
name = "TF Test - ${var.team_techops_sre} OnCall Level 2"
users = [
## escalation policy
resource "pagerduty_escalation_policy" "escalation_policy_techops_sre_01" {
name = "TF Test - ${var.team_techops_sre} Escalation Policy"
num_loops = 2
teams = ["${pagerduty_team.pd_team_techops.id}"]
rule {
escalation_delay_in_minutes = 15
target {
type = "schedule_reference"
id = "${module.schedule_techops_sre_01.id}"
rule {
escalation_delay_in_minutes = 15
target {
type = "schedule_reference"
id = "${module.schedule_techops_sre_02.id}"
## service
module "service_techops_sre_01" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/service"
name = "TF Test - Prod ${var.team_techops_sre} - High Urgency"
escalation_policy = "${pagerduty_escalation_policy.escalation_policy_techops_sre_01.id}"
## service integration
module "service_integration_techops_sre_01" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/service_integration"
name = "New Relic"
service = "${module.service_techops_sre_01.id}"
module "service_integration_techops_sre_02" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/service_integration"
name = "Zendesk"
service = "${module.service_techops_sre_01.id}"
email = "tf-test-calvin-wong-zendesk@YOUR_COMPANY_NAME.pagerduty.com"
module "service_integration_techops_sre_03" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/service_integration"
name = "Email"
service = "${module.service_techops_sre_01.id}"
email = "tf-test-calvin-wong-email@YOUR_COMPANY_NAME.pagerduty.com"
module "service_integration_techops_sre_04" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/service_integration"
name = "CloudWatch"
service = "${module.service_techops_sre_01.id}"
module "service_integration_techops_sre_05" {
source = "../../modules/pagerduty/service_integration"
name = "Slack"
service = "${module.service_techops_sre_01.id}"